The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Create new Mortgage Pool and return the Pool ID of the newly created pool. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. -
Create new Trade and return the Trade Number of the newly created trade. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. -
Create new Transaction and return the Transaction Number of the newly created transaction. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [tradeNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage trade number this transaction belongs to -
Deletes a Transaction. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [transactionNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage transaction number. -
Detaches a trade from its associated pool. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [tradeNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage trade number. -
Links a Transaction to Trade. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [transactionNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage transaction number. [tradeNum] - The LendingQB trade number. -
Search for Mortgage Pool that meet the criteria and return a list of pool IDs. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [poolStatus] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Open) | 2 (Closed). [poolAgency] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Fannie Mae) | 2 (Freddie Mac) | 3 (Ginnie Mae). [poolAmortizationType] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Fixed) | 2 (ARM). [poolNumber] - The full pool number, including any prefixes or suffixes. Leave blank to match all. [poolId] - The pool id. Leave blank to match all. -
Search for Trades that meet the criteria and return a list of trade numbers. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [tradeStatus] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Open) | 2 (Closed). [tradeSecurity] - Trade secutiry description. [tradeSecurityType] - 0 (Any) | 1 (TBA) | 2 (Call) | 3 (Put). [tradeContractType] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Buy) | 2 (Sell). [tradeSettlementMonth] - 0 (Any) | 1 (Jan) | 2 (Feb) | ... | 12 (Dec). [tradeCoupon] - The coupon rate of the trade. [tradeNum] - The trade number. Leave blank to match all numbers. -
Retrieve requested Mortgage Pool Fields and return pool data in LO XML format. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [poolXmlQuery] - xml that defines the list of fields to be included in the response. -
Retrieve requested Mortgage Pool Fields and return pool data in LO XML format. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [poolId] - The MeridianLink Mortgage pool ID. [poolXmlQuery] - xml that defines the list of fields to be included in the response. -
Retrieve requested Trade Fields and return trade data in LO XML format. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [tradeNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage trade number. [tradeXmlQuery] - xml that defines the list of fields to be included in the response. -
Retrieve requested Transaction Fields and return transaction data in LO XML format. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [transactionNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage transaction number. [transactionXmlQuery] - xml that defines the list of fields to be included in the response. -
Removes loan from pool. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [loanName] - The MeridianLink Mortgage loan name. [poolId] - The LendingQB pool ID -
Update a Mortgage Pool and return an XML response indicating the success of the operation. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [poolId] - The MeridianLink Mortgage pool ID. [poolDataContent] - LO XML format. Only fields that need updating should be sent over. -
Update a Trade and return an XML response indicating the success of the operation. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [tradeNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage trade number. [tradeXmlQuery] - LO XML format. Only fields that need updating should be sent over. -
Update a Trade and return an XML response indicating the success of the operation. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [transactionNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage transaction number. [transactionXmlContent] - LO XML format. Only fields that need updating should be sent over. -
Unlinks a Transaction. [sTicket] - The authentication ticket. [transactionNum] - The MeridianLink Mortgage transaction number.