The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Adds a borrower. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthServices.asmx. [optionsXml] LoXml with loanid / loan reference number / loan number, optional borrowerid, optional uladApplicationId. [returns] xml which can have CreatedLegacyApplicationId, CreatedUladApplicationId, CreatedCoborrowerId, CreatedBorrowerId, LegacyApplicationId, or UladApplicationId elements. - BreakBrokerRateLock
- CheckValidAppStatus
[OBSOLETE] Use ClearModifiedLoanByNameByAppCode. -
Remove a particular loan name [loanName] from the list of recently modified loans. -
[OBSOLETE]. Use ClearModifiedLoansListByAppCode -
Clear the list of recently modified loans with a Modified Date older than the [lastModifiedDate] -
Convert lead to loan and return a loan number. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sTemplateNm] - The loan template number used to initialized the lead file. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. -
Create a new loan file and return a randomly generated loan name. [sTemplateNm] - The loan template number used to initialized the loan file. This value can be left blank. -
Triggers the creation of a Closing Disclosure Archive for the specified loan file. Returns XML containing the created archive's ID and status. -
Triggers the creation of a Closing Disclosure Archive for the loan file with the specified reference number. Returns XML containing the created archive's ID and status. -
Creates either a document request or a document share for the loan and app that matches the given criteria. -
Create new lead and return a lead name.[sTemplateNm] - The loan template number used to initialized the lead file. This value can be left blank. - CreateWithCalyxPointFile
- CreateWithDesktopUnderwriter
- CreateWithFannieMaeFile
Create a new loan file and return a service result for the newly created loan. - CreateWithULDD
Delete an applicant from an application. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthServices.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [applicantSSN] The SSN of the borrower/coborrower we'll delete. - DeleteLoan
Downloads the generated documents using the download key provided in DocumentFrameworkGenerateDocs. -
Generates Documents via ML-M Document Framework. -
Loads available document packages and plan codes for given loan through the ML-M Document Framework. AccountId may be empty if not required by the document vendor. -
Requests a list of individual forms that can be generated at document request via ML-M Document Framework. -
Requests an audit through the ML-M Document Framework. AccountId may be empty if not required by the document vendor. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. This method returns a PDF containing EDocs on the given loan file [sLNm] that are included in the shipping template [sShippingTemplateName]. EDocs with Protected status are included by default. Obsolete/Rejected docs are omitted. Does not preserve electronic signatures. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. -
Generates the 10 closest counseling orgniazations and populates them to the loan. -
Retrieves the loan's audit log -
This method returns casefile status from DU/DO. isDo determines whether the user credentials are for Desktop Originator. -
This method returns casefile status from DU/DO. isDo determines whether the user credentials are for Desktop Originator. This method obtains CasefileID from the specified loan file. -
Retrieve a PDF document for a particular loan file. [Result] - The PDF content in base64 format. - ImportFromFannieMae
- ImportFromFannieMaeWithInstitutionId
Import loan file data from Freddie Mac into an existing or new loan. -
Returns a TRUE if the loan # exists. - ListClosingCostTemplateName
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. Returns an XML string containing a list of recently modified eDocs. This method is used if the client wants to poll the LO/PML system on a fixed interval (try to keep this interval big) for recently modified files so that they can be imported into a 3rd-party LOS. Contact support for valid appCode. THIS METHOD ONLY RETURN EDOCS MODIFIED SINCE THE LAST MODIFIED DATE. -
[OBSOLETE] Use ListModifiedLoansByAppCode. -
Returns an XML string containing a list of recently modified loans. This method is used if the client wants to poll the LO/PML system on a fixed interval (try to keep this interval big) for recently modified files so that they can be imported into a 3rd-party LOS. Contact support for valid appCode. THIS METHOD ONLY RETURN LOANS MODIFIED IN LAST 90 DAYS.The tracking of modified loan is not enabled by default. To have it enabled you need to contact our integration team, and they will turn on the tracking feature. - ListMyActiveTaskList
Query data from a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [sXmlQuery] The Xml defines the list of fields to be included in the response. Refer to lo_xmlquery_blank.xml for an example. [format] Identifies the output format to use. 0 - LO XML Query. 3 - Calyx Point (This is returned as an encoded base-64 Xml encased string. This is because the Calyx Point file is a binary file.) 4 - Fannie Mae 3.2. 9 - MISMO 2.6, 10 - MISMO 3.3, 12 - MISMO 3.4 Vanilla, 13 - MISMO 3.4 LPA, 14 - MISMO 3.4 DU, 15 - MISMO 3.4 Combined -
Query data from a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLRefNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Reference Number. [sXmlQuery] The Xml defines the list of fields to be included in the response. Refer to lo_xmlquery_blank.xml for an example. [format] Identifies the output format to use. 0 - LO XML Query. 3 - Calyx Point (This is returned as an encoded base-64 Xml encased string. This is because the Calyx Point file is a binary file.) 4 - Fannie Mae 3.2. 9 - MISMO 2.6, 10 - MISMO 3.3, 12 - MISMO 3.4 -
Load the loan identified by the sLNm in Mismo 2.3.1 Format. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [sXmlQuery] The Xml defines the list of fields to be included in the response. Refer to lo_xmlquery_blank.xml for an example. - LockLoanProgram
- LockLoanProgramAndSkipDuplicateCheck
Locks a loan program. Options can be passed in using an LOXmlFormat payload. - LockLoanProgramWithRateOptionId
- LockLoanProgramWithRateOptionIdAndSkipDuplicateCheck
- ParseFnma32ToLoXml
- PrepareLoanForResubmission
PDF upload for integrations -
Allows users to record an initial disclosure in the system. - RegisterLoanProgram
- RegisterLoanProgramAndSkipDuplicateCheck
Registers a loan program. Options can be passed in using an LOXmlFormat payload. - RegisterLoanProgramWithRateOptionId
- RegisterLoanProgramWithRateOptionIdAndSkipDuplicateCheck
Removes the specified borrower. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthServices.asmx. [optionsXml] LoXml with loanid/ loan reference number / loan number, borrowerid. [returns] xml which if successful has properties SwappedBorrower, DeletedLegacyApplicationId, DeletedUladApplicationId. - RemoveRequestedRate
- RetrieveClosingCostTemplateFeeList
Returns the byte content for the pdf associated with a shared document request. -
Returns xml containing all the Consumer Requests that have been sent to the user. -
This method is deprecated. Please use the RetrieveCustomReport method in Reporting.asmx instead. -
This method is deprecated. -
This method returns an XML containing the list of loan files accessible to a PML user. - RetrieveRecentActiveLoanList
- RetrieveTaskById
- RetrieveUsersAssignedToLoan
- RunInternalPricing
[Deprecated] Please use the RunQuickPricerV1 method in QuickPricer.asmx instead, or upgrade to RunQuickPricerV2 -
[Deprecated] Please use the RunQuickPricerV1ForLockDesk method in QuickPricer.asmx instead, or upgrade to RunQuickPricerV2 -
Update the loan file with new information. [sDataContent] The information to update. Only fields that needs updating should be sent over. [format] Identifies the output format to use. 0 - LO XML Query.- XML result string indicating if the Save operation succeeded or not. -
Update the loan file with new information. [sDataContent] The information to update. Only fields that needs updating should be sent over. [format] Identifies the output format to use. 0 - LO XML Query.- XML result string indicating if the Save operation succeeded or not. -
Do not use this method - Search
- SubmitToDesktopOriginator
Performs a seamless submission to Desktop Originator. - SubmitToDesktopUnderwriter
Performs a seamless submission to Desktop Underwriter. Imports the DU credit report. -
Performs a seamless submission to Desktop Underwriter. Credit is re-issued according to the creditXml and imported. -
Performs a seamless submission to Desktop Underwriter. Credit is re-issued according to the creditXml. -
Performs a seamless submission to Desktop Underwriter. Provides an option to not import the credit report. - SubmitToDesktopUnderwriterWithInstituteId
- SubmitToFannieMaeEarlyCheck
- SubmitTotalScorecard
- TaskEdit
- TaskResolve
Transfer a legacy application between ULAD applications. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthServices.asmx. [optionsXml] LoXml with loanid / loan reference number / loan number, legacyapplicationid, index, and optionally uladapplicationid. [returns] xml which may or may not have a CreatedUladApplicationId. -
Transfers the specified ULAD application to a different position on the loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthServices.asmx. [optionsXml] LoXml with loanid / loan reference number / loan number, uladapplicationid, index. [returns] xml. - UploadConsumerDocumentRequestDocument
- UploadLONXml
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. Add a PDF to a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [documentType] The PDF document type name. [notes] Notes related to the PDF document. [sDataContent] The base 64 encoded PDF document. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. Add a PDF to a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [documentType] The PDF document type name. [notes] Notes related to the PDF document. [sDataContent] The base 64 encoded PDF document. [serviceType] The type of service currently in use. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. Add a PDF to a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [aAppId] The Application Id to contain the file. [documentType] The PDF document type name. [notes] Notes related to the PDF document. [sDataContent] The base 64 encoded PDF document. -
[DEPRECATED] Please use the EDocsService version of this method instead. Add a PDF to a loan file. [sTicket] Ticket returned by AuthService.asmx. [sLNm] The MeridianLink Mortgage Loan Name. [aAppId] The Application Id to contain the file. [documentType] The PDF document type name. [notes] Notes related to the PDF document. [sDataContent] The base 64 encoded PDF document. [serviceType] The type of service currently in use.